After what seems weeks and weeks of rain we managed to get a day of relatively nice clear weather to go up the lotty and inspect the flooding. Luckily enough the trenches that Karl dug have been fantastic at holding the water and the soil wasn't as bad as we expected.
We chatted to our neighbours opposite (Alex, Alex & Hannah) and had a wonder around the far reaches of the allotment to see a plot that Alex has just started working on.
Whilst we have been away from the allotment the Council have been in and cut down all the back of the plot to make way for more plot space. Where there used to be thick brambles it is now flat and clear land. Unfortunately the Council decided to use our plot as a dumping ground for all the spare tyres that were littered around and also broken glass. (So nice of the council to do that!) We've now got over 30 tyres on our plot which is ridiculous so we're going to give back what they put on our plot and a mini complaint too.
We've netted up the broccoli as we forgot to protect them from the birds and we've started clearing the back of the plot from couch grass and rubbish. We're going to plant as many strawberries here as possible!! They were gorgeous last year!
Progress in slow because of the daylight hours but we're getting closer to having the whole plot rid of rubbish and more planting space. :)
If I've finished my Christmas shopping next weekend then I shall get up nice and early for a digging spree (and a few trips to the skip!!)