Monday, April 16, 2007

Surprisingly productive

Despite Karl having a nasty accident on Friday night and needing A&E treatment plus his car breaking down on the A470 we have managed to still get up the allotment!!
I decided to cycle up (which nearly killed me!) and I managed to get a decent frame of netting around the broad beans. I've also replanted where the beans didn't quite make it through.
Karl carried on digging, hoeing and planting whilst Emily joined us for the afternoon and helped water all the seeds and detangle some wire. I think we will have good broad beans this year - I can feel it!
I've also put some seeds in trays in the plastic greenhouse: Mostly Leeks, Cherry Tomatoes and Pumpkins at the moment. I plan to do some french beans, butternut squashes and some peas soon. :)

The onions are doing well despite the birds constantly popping them out thinking that they are worms!
Netting has helped quite a lot!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Against all odds

Me and Karl have excelled ourselves this week. We've replanted the turnips which died, added some kohl rabbi (??) and some fennelly stuff. Don't ask- Karl planted it!!
I've replanted the parsnips where the soil had previously dried out and also put in shallots (red and white), onion (red and white), spring onion and garlic. :)
We have a few more bits of land ready too for potential sunflowers by the greehouse, plus raspberry canes and we're still thinking about where to put the Leeks.
It hasn't all been smooth running however, I'm currently looking for a new pair of wellies as my car was stolen and the wellies went with it! Left them in the boot unfortunately. :(

Soooo...need a new car and new wellies. All whilst moving house - joy!