Saturday, July 07, 2007

Produce popping up!

It's all looking really, really good at the plot except that we have both neglected the weed situation so everything is growing on top of each other! Bind weed has made a come back and is suffocating the strawberries, fennel and the compost bin. The turnips have been severely nibbled which is very annoying but the fennel is doing really well. Broad beans have been massacred again and we have various squashes growing out the back that will hopefully surprise us when they grow their produce. We have pumpkins, courgettes, marrows, butternuts and Karl's favourite 'pink banana'!
Apparently the carrots are at baby stage if we want tiddly tasty ones but otherwise we can pick later on for big ones! Probably an idea to pick a few now to start thinning them out. Must make mental note to pick carrots in the evening else the carrot fly will smell them!
Onions are brilliant although I'm sure we planted more than I can see. Shallots look very tasty already! Runner beans are shooting up and seem to be clear of blackfly (Hurrah!)

Nibbled Turnips
Probably the last of the rhubarb but what is eating the poisonous leaves? Weevil?

I give up with broad beans... :(
Pumpkin? Butternut? Pink banana? Courgette? Marrow???
Strawberries are running again. Need to keep them off the path this year!
Fluffy carrot tops and marigolds!!
Fat sunflower leaves - these are (hopefully) going to be mighty tall!
Yellow Courgette!! Fabulous looking produce!
French bean

Big onions
Runner beans running high

Fennel hearts
Fennel Tops
Bind Weed Flowers
Compost bin under attack...

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