Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Dig Issue at The Guardian

Out of complete coincidence I went to a Bloggers meet up group a couple of months ago and met with some other Bloggers in the 'Diff. (Cardiff!) Some were food enthusiasts, pub writers, fellow geeks and fashionistas. A real fun mix of people who talked about their passions and blogging techniques.

After the meeting and talks I gained the attention of a Guardian journalist and I was asked if I would like to write about my plot. To be honest, I have never really thought about my blog in an "audience-appealing" way which I know sounds daft seeing as it's open to the whole world to read! I blog about the plot because it's fun and it's a nice record to have of what you have done each year. I don't do it to gain attention. It's quite humble really!

Writing posts on The Dig Issue is easy as it just flows when you're on the plot and looking around you. Writing for The Guardian is a bit more "Ooh blimey!" Somehow though, I did manage to scramble my thoughts into a coherent fashion and wrote an article in 800 words that summed up my allotmenteer experiences. Somehow it just flowed and worked and I'm quite pleased with how it turned out. (blow of a tiny trumpet!)

The link is here if you would like to read it. :)

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